About Bad Idea
We are trying to get crack climbing into the commercial climbing gyms. Crack climbing is an underdeveloped type of climbing within the climbing industry because there are little to no specialized volumes available. Those that exist take up lots of space on the climbing wall.
We at Bad Idea are offering a normal climbing module with a hidden crack in it. The normal climber will hardly notice it until the crack presents itself within the designated route. By assigning color to the crack we can limit the crack to one specific route while the rest of the module is still available as a normal climbing module. And even if for some mysterious reason you do not want to build a crack, you still have two awesome modules with the option to assign color to an edge. As Dutch crack climbers in a country without any rock (let alone cracks) our mission is to get this forgotten art of ascending splits, crack and other features into your local climbing gym.
When we talk about crack climbing, many climbers find it a bad idea. When we talked about building indoor crack climbing volumes ourselves, even non climbers found it a bad idea (taking into account our lack of wood working experience). A bad idea that just might work